Poetry - General Submissions

What we like to publish

Puerto del Sol seeks high quality, innovative poetry (in various shapes & forms) from emerging and established writers. We like polished drafts, the ones you're ready for the world to see. Please do not send us something you will continue to edit - we want the final product! Our tastes vary depending on our current editorial staff, which changes each year, but generally we want to be floored by your work, to be moved, to be rocked to our core, to come away from your work with a newfound sense of ourselves, of the world, of something we may have never known had we not engaged with your work. This is the kind of stuff we're interested in publishing.

We love multilingual work and have published translations.

Order our latest issue or check out our poetry archives at puertodelsol.org to get familiar with Puerto del Sol's previous publications.


Submitters are limited to five (5) poems. Please include all poems in one document (.docx and .doc are preferred). List the titles of your poems in the "Title" box of our submission form. Along with your submission, include a third-person bio (less than 100 words preferred) and a cover letter.

Please do not submit more than once per reading period. While we do accept simultaneous submissions, please notify us promptly should your work be accepted elsewhere. We do not consider previously published work.

Puerto del Sol accepts submissions year round but only reads from August to April. Response times vary. Please give us at least 6 months to respond due to the large number of submissions we receive. 

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.